Sense the depth from surface : BHOPAL MARCH 2011
We walk on Bhopal’s surface
Our footprints are Bhopal’s footprints
When you walk, what makes you walk like that?
You like some place but you don’t know why.
You fear some place but you don’t know why.
There must be some hidden reason in each place.
What do your feet sense on the ground?
PURPOSE of our workshop
Digging up and actualizing Bhopal's invisible layer of urban form with walking,
and mapping the track data.
We record our footprints and pile all the record up.
The footprints will draw certain form gradually.
Do they mean anything?
Let’s find out what happened between the feet and the ground.
"Bhopal Tragedy" is not the all of Bhopal.
We will see buried layers of historical and cultural traces of this city.
STRATEGY schedule
Unit master will tell to workshop participants,
the purpose and goal of the workshop,
show some example in Japan
and give some instruction how to use GPS receiver and other tools.
Making "URBAN FOOTS" maps by WS participants. In a day,
we complete one map, discuss the result, decide the next day's theme.
Local commitment
After WS participants comprehend it,
we invite local people to WS and make wider-area maps.